稽查员是一家总部位于华盛顿州西雅图的全球性物流公司. The 公司 employs trained professionals in 346个位置 located in 101 countries, linked into a seamless worldwide network through an integrated information management system.
服务包括空运和海运的合并或代理, 海关经纪, 供应商整合, 货物保险, 定时运输服务, 订单管理, 仓储配送, 定制化物流解决方案.
华盛顿稽查员国际有限公司. 在西雅图注册为单一办事处海运代理. 约翰•凯泽(前哈珀集团高管)是掌舵人.
创始人彼得·罗斯, 詹姆斯•王, 凯文·沃尔什, 汉克黄, 乔治·何, 罗伯特Chiarito, and Glenn Alger join the company with a focus that is new to the industry: a one-stop shop for door-to-door transportation and 海关经纪 services. Additional offices are established in San Francisco, Chicago, Hong Kong, Taipei, and Singapore. 稽查员迅速成为美国最大的快递公司之一.S.以香港为基地的远东空运代理公司.
12个地点| 161名员工
稽查员上市,股票在纳斯达克(NASDAQ)交易。. In first year as a public company, 稽查员 reports more than $50 million in gross revenues and $2.净收入100万美元.
公司通过收购Pac Bridge扩大了海洋业务, 大型无船承运人(远洋运输中介中的无船承运人得).
Peter J. 创始人之一Rose担任总裁兼首席执行官.
32个地点| 900名员工
随着布鲁塞尔办事处的开设,有选择性的全球扩张仍在继续, 公司在欧洲大陆的第一个办事处. 推出新标语,加强我们对顾客服务的承诺: 你会惊讶我们会为你付出多少.
我们的净利润超过1000万美元(1019.6万美元). We formalize an internal quality program called EXCEL (稽查员 Commitment to Excellence and 领导), 建立在100%的客户满意度100%的时间目标.
公司 expands into China after Beijing grants 稽查员 a rare class "A" license. 快递员货物管理系统(e.cms) is established as an ocean consolidation program featuring an automated electronic data interface.
96个地点| 2400名员工
稽查员推出了一个货物保险(ECIB)部门. 公司总收入超过5亿美元. Global expansion continues with the addition of markets in Central and South Americas. CEO Peter Rose declares that “Our business is based entirely on service and understanding our customers."
稽查员 names a Director of Quality and formalizes its global pursuit of ISO9001 certification. A total of 27 offices are ISO9001 certified as five more offices achieve the accreditation in Asia and Europe. 员工人数超过3000人. 在印度、巴基斯坦和孟加拉国设有办事处. The class “A” license held in Beijing is extended to four more major Chinese trading points, 使我们在中国的办事处总数达到8个. 而它的员工被公认为是业内训练最好的, 稽查员 raises its minimum annual training requirement for employees from 30 hours to 52 hours per year, 认识到客户日益复杂的需求.
149个地点| 5215名员工
总收入超过创纪录的10亿美元. 新的全球总部在华盛顿州西雅图市中心开业.
稽查员 celebrates its 20th year continuing our reputation as a full-service global 物流 provider. 员工人数增长到6400多人. 快递服务包括空运和海运货运代理, 供应商整合, 远洋运输中介中的无船承运人得, 通关, 海上保险, 分布, 以及其他增值的全球物流服务. 稽查员’ strength in our people and a clear mission to become the best full-service global 物流 provider in the industry is demonstrated by the recognition received from our customers (Cisco 系统 and British 空气ways Catering name us as Supplier of the Year).
华盛顿 CEO Magazine recognizes 稽查员 with “Best Companies to Work For” award.
195个地点| 8000名员工
稽查员 views its role in the future of international trade as the preferred global 物流 solutions company. The company will continue to satisfy its customers’ needs through a responsive, 训练有素的员工, 综合信息系统, 一个全球性的网络. 稽查员被命名为纳斯达克100指数. 达到了许多里程碑,总销售额超过20亿美元
Numerous milestones mark our 25th year: Gross revenues top a record $3 billion ($3,317,499,000); net earnings reach $156,126,000; and employee count surpasses 9,000.
226个地点| 10600名员工
福布斯将稽查员评为管理最佳的运输公司. The Wall Street Journal lists 稽查员 as number one in their shareholder scorecard for Delivery 服务, 击败UPS和联邦快递.
稽查员以4美元的成绩首次进入《十大正规买球平台》500强榜单.60亿的收入. Fortune also names 稽查员 the Number One Most Admired 公司 in our industry.
我们仍然站着. 过去一年的全球经济气候影响了许多人, yet we remained consistent in our commitment to customer service and financial stability. 我们保护了我们最大的资产——我们的员工——没有裁员. 今年,我们在斯波坎开设了灾难恢复中心, 华盛顿, 满足所有全球备份IT需求的地方. 2009 was also a big year for our 环境al Teams worldwide as they work on green initiatives across the 公司; a sustainable, 我们在法兰克福为德国地区总部建造了绿色办公室.
2010年被认为是我们有史以来最好的一年,开局不错,结束也很糟糕. 今年如此成功的主要原因是一个很大的因素....我们的不裁员政策. 事实证明,保护我们最宝贵的资产是无价的, as those same people were the ones delivering world class customer service day after day. 没有他们,我们就不可能成功. We continue to create tools and enhance our systems in order to improve internal processes and meet customer needs.
The CEO baton is passed on to Jeff Musser, a 30 year veteran of 稽查员, who becomes our new CEO. 我们期待着在2014年庆祝我们的35周年. We have grown from 6 offices and 20 people to over 250 locations and nearly 14,000 employees. In 2013 we set up our Customer Solutions Center at our corporate office which gives us the opportunity to demonstrate our Information 十大正规买球平台 capabilities to customers, 航空公司, 和投资者. Our IT capabilities have helped keep us in the forefront of those who can benefit from it most.
The last of the original company founders, 詹姆斯•王, announces his retirement. 稽查员 reveals its newly aligned geographic structure and company strategy. The first quarter of 2015 is the most profitable in the history of the company.
创新强劲的一年, 2017 was kicked off with the appointment of a Chief Strategy Officer to establish and oversee a Strategy group of highly experienced individuals to explore new areas of opportunity. 后来,该公司宣布成立一家新的子公司, 货物的信号, which brings new levels of supply chain control and visibility through digital services powered by a proprietary, sensor-based 物流 system and a 24x7x365 Global Command Center staffed with seasoned professionals trained in risk management, 物流, 供应链安全.
继续创新, 与我们的客户沃尔玛合作, 稽查员 announced the launch of a new cutting-edge Carrier Allocation platform to provide an advanced level of forecasting and planning to revolutionize supply chains and transportation efficiency.
稽查员 celebrates 40 years of global 物流 excellence and employee headcount tops 18,000.
346个地点| 18,000名员工
在前所未有的市场条件下, 稽查员 remains adaptable and resilient as we exceed 10 billion dollars in revenue for the first time. We appointed a Senior Vice President of Digital Solutions as we accelerate our investment in software as a service technology. 货物的信号和Tradeflow就是这种令人兴奋的投资组合的例子.